
"Custom Software Developement - Web Application Developement"

About Us

Welcome to Code NC Software, a trusted global software development outfit. We deliver custom built software, consulting and development services to clients from several countries, ranging from individuals to corporate bodies. We intend to be instrumental in making our clients' organizations function more efficiently ...

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Our Services

Our Major services include:
- Custom Software Design and Development
- Web Application Development
- Web Design
We are prepared to employ our expertise in the area of software development, to create applications that would improve productivity...

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School Management Software

Our Result Manager is designed to speed up the compilation of results in Primary / Secondary Schools. The software performs this task with greater efficiency; The teacher just enters the scores of each pupil in the class. As the scores are added to the database, average scores and grades are recalculated...

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ICT Labs

- 20 Laptop Computers
- 5G Internet Access
- 1.5 KVA / 24 V Inverter
- 50 Inch Smart Tv
- Lab Technician
- Spread Payment Over 5 Years

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Digital Media Marketing

We can place adverts of your school on the pages of millions of websites, shown to people who live in a particular area. This is a great way to promote your school, and increase the number of students applying for admission.
The service is cost-effective. Your budget is flexible - you spend as much as you can afford!

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Online school

The Code NC Online School Is an e-learning platform based on formalized teaching, with the help of electronic resources.
While teaching can be based in or out of the classrooms, the use of computers and the Internet forms the major component.
In addition to delivering lectures and course ...

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