Welcome to the official website of The Code NC Online School

About The Code NC Online School


The Code NC Online School Is an e-learning platform based on formalized teaching, with the help of electronic resources.
While teaching can be based in or out of the classrooms, the use of computers and the Internet forms the major component.
In addition to delivering lectures and course content, our E-learning platform also has provision for online assessment tests. We integrated this with our existing school management platforms so as to ensure
a seamless transition, and to ensure that education continues even in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

With the rapid progress in technology and the advancement in learning systems, it is now embraced by more educational institutions.

As we remain at home in a bid to stay safe, we can continue the lifelong process of learning with no interruption.

...our school is established based on the understanding that in a school, learning is best achieved if the pupils are made to feel relaxed in a conducive atmosphere.